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Career Opportunities & Development
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Career FairOur semi-annual Career Fair is exclusively for SPO members, so one benefit is that all of the participants are SCM majors. With approximately 30 companies in attendance and 200 students, every student gets a quality interaction with each company recruiter—no elevator pitches! Companies recruit for three types of employment opportunities: summer internships, a spring/fall semester co-ops (part-time work during school) and a full-time job. Prior work experience through a summer internship or a fall/spring co-op will differentiate you when it comes time to be considered for full-time employment.
Career MixerThree or four times per semester, SPO hosts a Career Mixer. These recruiting events are comprised of four or five companies and 32-35 students, organized into 4-5 groups of 7 or 8 students each. Each of the attending companies own a table and will meet with each group for ½ hour. Across 2 to 2 ½ hours, each company will meet all of the students present. This event is a very efficient way for companies to meet our very best and then differentiate them based upon their performance. Typically, company requests for individual interviews follow these events fairly quickly, given the competitive nature of the companies participating.
Employment OpportunitiesThese companies have specifically reached out to us because they know that our members have exactly what they are looking for. Be on the lookout, but no worries, we will market it to all of our members.
Opportunities are within your reach
We market an abundance of opportunities, from resources on campus to career opportunities in the field. Take some time to see what we have to offer.
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